The first “Polar Bear “ zinnia is flowering. It seems to be the only survivor of a whole packet of seeds sown at the spring festival of Holi this year

The Polar Bear was a free seed variety. What I actually ordered was “Queen Lime” green zinnia seeds.

No sign of green flowers yet, but there are several plants which could turn out to be the Queen.
Don’t hold your breath: the first royal hopeful turned out to be a self-sown purple when the flower opened: a beautiful colour, especially striking in a bouquet with ‘Red Torch’ Tithonia and Hopi Red Dye amaranth on the kitchen household altar, but not Queen Lime.

While the pursuit of black flowers is still my passion, I’m really liking the idea of a bright, bold green flower.

“Green Envy” zinnia seed might just be on my seed wishlist for 2023.