A storm system blew though and while just under an inch of rain is always welcome, the combination of wild wind and pounding rain laid waste to the late season, seven foot magnificence of blooming outback.

I thought I could prop up the fallen Tithonia and Cosmos but discovered their stems had sheared off at ground level.

Oh well. Flowers for the household altars and biomass for the compost it is then.

We are likely only a few weeks away now from first frost when all this verdancy and colour will go anyway.

After some cursory backyard cleanup in chilly drizzle, I warmed myself with breakfast of a fresh baked Dutch apple pancake made aromatic with cinnamon, cardamom and clove.

That's the last of my stash of apples from the circa turn of century hundred year old orchard in Kingston.
There is still time to replenish my apple supply. Several vendors at the farmer's market are currently offering apples, but the fruit from the ancient trees is my favourite.