Last year, after corn earworm ravaged my corn crop so thoroughly, I decided not to plant corn for a few years.
Come spring this year, however, when I was going through my seeds and deciding how to transition to a more waterwise style of gardening, I relented. I sowed the packet of ‘Festivity’ sweet corn from Native Seed Search which I had on hand
It germinated reasonably well but then the young plants were hard hit by an extremely hot spring with days of desiccating strong winds exacerbating the above average temperatures. True to their tough heritage, however, some plants hung in to tassel and form ears amongst cowpeas (Dixielee I think) and volunteer amaranth .
For the past week I have been gently peeking at the progress of kernel swelling on the plumpest ear. I picked it today at milk stage. The kernels are just starting to show colour.
I do love everything about zea mays.
Especially finding it, ten minutes from picking, having been lightly steamed, on my breakfast plate.
A very tasty variety. Corn fed, I am replete.